
One very warm evening in the Seeonee hills in southern India,Father Wolf woke up from his day's rest. Next to him lay Mother Wolf, with their four cubs beside her. 'It's time to look for food,'said Father Wolf,and he stood up to leave the cave. 'Good luck'said a voice. It was the jackal,Tabaqui,who eats everything and anything, even old clothes from the villages.


One Seeonee Indiako hegoaldean mendietan arratsaldean oso bero, Aita Wolf esnatu zituen eguneroko gainerako from. Hurrengo zion arautuko Ama Wolf, bere bere ondoan lau Cubs batera. 'Time janaria bilatzeko garaia da », esan zuen Aita Wolf, eta zutitu haitzuloaren uzteko. 'Good ahots batek luck'said. jackal du, Tabaqui, dena eta ezer, nahiz herrietako arropa zaharra jaten zen.

(5000 karakter kaldı)

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